Engineering document Workflow Management software

Importance of Workflow management in Engineering Industry
Engineering and project document management requires a highly robust and flexible workflow management software systems. Documents pass through multiple users in multiple departments before they are ready for final use, The project managers or administrators need to define the document flow through various departments and what are the access rights of all users.
Our Workflow management software System
Our document management workflow solution takes care of the transient user access rights in the workflow. The position of the users in the Workflow defines his rights on a document. An administrator or project manager can categorize users groups and can accordingly assign them roles in the document’s routing. Workflows can be created, modified and saved for future use.
Other Document Workflow Management Related features
  • Users may have different access rights at different stages of the workflow. A user may have editing rights at stage 1 but may have only viewing rights at stage 2
  • Integration of the workflow with email notification or messaging service: This ensures that the concerned users are sent a mail/message at pre-specified event in the workflow. For example a User A receives a message when a file is modified or uploaded by User
  • Different files and documents in the same can be categorized to follow different workflows
  • Document Workflows are created by the administrator or project manager using a simple form like interface
  • The version access is also governed by accessibility and document workflow rules

Example : A file is uploaded by a user, the next user in sequence, the project manager makes his comments and sends a auto notifications are sent to the next users in sequence (say data entry operators). Once the operators complete their work, the access is back with the project manager. Once both the operator and manager are done, a viewer can view the files


Related Links

Complete list of features : Engineering Document Management System
Web services integration for engineering document management software with multiple systems
Some useful features that are usually missing in engineering DMS


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